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sustainability in medical tourism

COVID has changed consumer & patient expectations about the importance of sustainability. Temos was the first accreditation organization to introduce sustainability standards for fiscal & social responsibility. Discover the benefits.

Sustainable medical tourism facility means a medical facility that provides social benefits,

Environmental benefits and economic benefits while becoming more competitive in the market. For creating a sustainable value, and used it for establishing a sustainable medical facility that can be sustained for the next generation by implementing four primary objectives: 1) Building a strong foundation and addressing environmental considerations, 2) Improving community relations, 3) The expansion of offered services, and 4) Gaining patients from new markets.

:Ten Principles for Sustainable Tourism

1- Using resources sustainably: the conversation and sustainable use of resources-natural, social, and cultural

– is crucial and makes long term business sense.

2- Reducing over-consumption and waste: reduction of over-consumption and waste avoids the costs of restoring long-term environmental damage and contributes to the quality of tourism.

3- Maintaining diversity: maintaining and promoting natural, social and cultural diversity is essential for long-term sustainability, and creates a resilient base for the industry.

4- Supporting local economies: tourism that supports a wide range of local economic activities and which takes environmental costs and values into account both protects those economies and avoids environmental damage.

5- Involving local communities: the full involvement of local communities in the tourism sector not only benefits them and the environment in general but also improves the quality of the tourism experience.

6- Consulting stakeholders and the public: consultation between the tourism industry and local communities, organizations and institutions is essential if they are to work alongside each other and resolve potential conflicts of interest.

7- Training staff: staff training which integrates sustainable tourism into work practices, along with recruitment of local personnel at all levels, improves the quality of the tourism product.

8- Marketing tourism responsibly: marketing that provides tourism with full and responsible information increases respect for the natural, social and cultural environments of destination areas and enhances customer satisfaction.

9- Undertaking research: on-going research and monitoring by the industry using effective data collection and analysis is essential to help solve problems and to bring benefits to destinations, the industry and consumers.

to establish a sustainable medical facility framework that contains four crucial quadrants.

The first quadrant represents the basic foundations of a medical tourism facility which include the medical regulations and standards of quality of care. The second quadrant represents inter-organizational relationships, and refers to a network that motivates stakeholders to collaborate with the medical facility for the purpose of achieving common goals. The third quadrant represents a medical facility that should expand its network to include educational institutions and international organizations to qualify its physicians and staff. The last quadrant represents the peak expansion of a medical tourism facility to include extensive services that go above and beyond the patients‟ expectations, which is mean offering postoperative services for foreign patients to ensure that the medical service has been delivered according to the patients‟ satisfactions.

COVID has changed consumer & patient expectations about the importance of sustainabilityTemos was the first accreditation organization to introduce sustainability standards for fiscal & social responsibility. Discover the benefits.







to establish a sustainable medical facility framework that contains four crucial quadrants.

The first quadrant represents the basic foundations of a medical tourism facility which include the medical regulations and standards of quality of care. The second quadrant represents inter-organizational relationships, and refers to a network that motivates stakeholders to collaborate with the medical facility for the purpose of achieving common goals. The third quadrant represents a medical facility that should expand its network to include educational institutions and international organizations to qualify its physicians and staff. The last quadrant represents the peak expansion of a medical tourism facility to include extensive services that go above and beyond the patients‟ expectations, which is mean offering postoperative services for foreign patients to ensure that the medical service has been delivered according to the patients‟ satisfactions.

برای ایجاد یک مرکز پایدار پزشکی باید چهار عامل مهم را در نظر داشت.

عامل نخست نمایانگر پایه های اساسی یک مرکز گردشگری پزشکی است که شامل مقررات پزشکی و استانداردهای کیفیت مراقبت است. عامل دوم نمایانگر روابط بین سازمانی است، و به شبکه ای اطلاق می شود که ذینفعان را به منظور دستیابی به اهداف مشترک ، برای همکاری با مرکز پزشکی همکاری بر می انگیزاند. عامل سوم نمایانگر یک مرکز پزشکی است که باید شبکه خود را گسترش دهد تا مؤسسات آموزشی و سازمان های بین المللی را برای واجد شرایط بودن پزشکان و کارکنان خود در بر بگیرد. آخرین ربع نشان دهنده گسترش اوج یک مرکز گردشگری پزشکی است که شامل خدمات گسترده ای می شود که فراتر و بالاتر از انتظارات بیماران است، این یعنی ارائه خدمات بعد از عمل برای بیماران خارجی تا اطمینان حاصل شود که خدمات پزشکی مطابق با رضایت بیماران ارائه شده است. .

#COVID has changed #consumer & #patient #expectations about the importance of #sustainability#Temos was the first #accreditation organization to introduce sustainability #standards for fiscal & social responsibility. Discover the benefits.



  • temos

By: مهشید معینی

مهشید  معینی

کارشناس ارشد مدیریت بیمارستان مدیر عامل شرکت سریر سلامت مهام، نماینده شرکت تموس آلمان در ایران