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German Quality Standards in Medical Tourism Business

German Quality Standards in Medical Tourism Business

Accreditation in medical tourism business can bring competitive advantages to your organization

Accreditation for fertility clinics

Accreditation for fertility clinics

Fertility clinics have been largely ignored by international accreditation organizations, preferring to treat them the same as general ambulatory care centers. This approach ignores the specific clinical and laboratory services unique to reproductive care as well as the elements of the patient experience that IVF clients require. In 2019, Temos introduced its accreditation program for reproductive care centers to fill the need for specialized standards for IVF clinics and the clients they serve. Here is why accreditation plays an essential role in improving the quality of care delivered by IVF clinics and reproductive care centers.

Essential Factors for a Successful Medical Tourism Business

Essential Factors for a Successful Medical Tourism Business

Tourism is a pioneer and diverse industry in the world. It is considered as one of the main sources of countries income. According to experts’ predictions, tourism will become the most profitable industry in the world by 2020. International growth, global competition and interests in tourism destinations have emerged the need of various types of tourism. Today, many countries with regards to the human beings need for health, have developed medical industry as a source of massive income in relation to tourism. Increasing 20% in admission of foreign patients in American hospitals confirms this matter. Medical tourism is a new type of tourism and an international and political-economic phenomenon, which is growing fast in the world, especially in Asian countries

Why Temos?

Why Temos?

To achieve excellence in international patient management for Temos certified partners through good governance, transparency, and continuous quality improvement, resulting in the best possible patient care and experience.

accreditation & quality management in hospitals

accreditation & quality management in hospitals

The mission of any hospital is to provide specific health services which can solve the patients’ health problems (EFFICACY) in the best manner (QUALITY) and in the most economic way possible (EFFICIENCY).

Does international accreditation attracts more patients to your hospital?

Does international accreditation attracts more patients to your hospital?

It is hard to answer this question and it has various factors. Showing the accreditation on the website is not the attractive way alone to makes a positive effect on the foreign patients mind to choose best care giver and if any hospital or clinic wants to enter to the competitive market should go beyond and consider various options. Accreditation assures the quality in every aspects of service delivery and its infrastructure is the leadership, continuous quality management and productivity.  

Temos Accreditation Programs

Temos Accreditation Programs

there are specific accreditation / certification programs related to medical tourism